Saturday, June 1, 2013

14. Triggering mechanisms of sediment failures in deep water

Deep-water Processes by G. Shanmugam

Triggering mechanisms of sediment failures in deep water


The triggering of sediment failures is controlled by the pull of gravity, the weight of material, the slope, and the planes of weaknesses. Masson et al. (2006) and Feeley (2007) provide a general review of triggering mechanisms of MTDs. There are at least 21 triggering mechanisms of sediment failures that can initiate mass-transport deposits in deep water (Table 1). In many continental margins, several triggering mechanisms work concurrently, such as earthquakes and tsunamis.


Table 1. Triggering mechanisms of sediment failures. Modified after Shanmugam (2012a, b).


Triggering  Mechanisms
Environment of MTD Emplacement
  1. Earthquake
(Heezen and Ewing, 1952)
  1. Meteorite impact
(Claeys et al. 2002) (Figure 1)
  1. Volcanic activity
(Tilling et al., 1990)
  1. Tsunami waves
(Shanmugam, 2006a, b)
(Figure 2)
  1. Rogue waves
(Dysthe et al., 2008)
  1. Cyclonic waves (Bea et al., 1983; Prior et al., 1989; Shanmugam, 2008a) (Figure 3)
  2. Internal waves and tides (Shanmugam, 2013a, b)
  3. Ebb tidal current
(Boyd et al., 2008)
  1. Monsoonal rainfall
(Petley, 2012)
  1. Groundwater seepage
(Brönnimann, 2011)
  1. Wildfire
(Cannon et al., 2001)
  1. *Human activity (Dan et al., 2007).
Subaerial & submarine
Subaerial & submarine
Subaerial & submarine
Subaerial & submarine
Subaerial & submarine
Subaerial & submarine
Subaerial & submarine
Short-term events:
a few minutes to several hours, days or months
  1. **Tectonic events: (a) tectonic oversteepening (Greene et al., 2006); (b) tensional stresses on the rift zones (Urgeles et al., 1997); (c) oblique seamount subduction (Collot et al., 2001), among others
  2. Glacial maxima and loading (Elverhoi et al., 1997, 2002; Lee, 2009)
  3. Salt movement (Prior and Hooper, 1999)
  4. Depositional loading (Coleman and Prior, 1982)
  5. Hydrostatic loading (Trincardi et al., 2003)
  6. Ocean-bottom currents (Locat and Lee, 2002)
  7. Biological erosion in submarine canyons (Dillon and Zimmerman, 1970)
  8. Gas hydrate decomposition (Popenoe et al., 1993; Sultan et al., 2004)
Subaerial & submarine
Intermediate-term events: hundreds to thousands of years
  1. Sea-level lowstand (Shanmugam and  Moiola, 1988; Vail et al., 1991)
Long-term events:
thousands to millions of years

* Although human activity is considered to be the second most common triggering mechanism (next to earthquakes) for known historic submarine mass (Mosher et al., 2010), it is Irrelevant for interpreting ancient rock record.

** Some tectonic events may extend over millions of years


              The triggering mechanisms are grouped into three major types based on their duration: (1) short-term triggering events that last for only a few minutes to several hours or days, (2) intermediate-term triggering events that last for hundreds to thousands of years, and (3) long-term triggering events that last for thousands to millions of years (Shanmugam, 2012a). Conceivably, some intermediate-term events may last for a longer duration. The importance here is that short-term events and long-term events are markedly different in their duration. Furthermore, these triggering mechanisms should not be confused with depositional processes, such as debris flows. Also, more than one triggering mechanism can cause debris flows at a given time in one site. However, there are no objective criteria to infer either the triggering mechanism or the transportational process from the depositional record.

Figure 1. Map showing the site of Chicxulub meteorite impact at the K-T boundary in Yucatan, Mexico. Stars represent approximate locations of mass-transport deposits and tsunami-related deposits associated with the Chicxulub impact at the K-T boundary boundary. Generalized outline of Lower Tertiary Wilcox Trend is from several sources. After Shanmugam (2012b).


Figure 2. Depositional model showing the link between tsunamis and deep-water deposition. (A) 1. Triggering stage in which earthquakes trigger tsunami waves. 2. Tsunami stage in which an incoming (up-run) tsunami wave increases in wave height as it approaches the coast. 3. Transformation stage in which an incoming tsunami wave erodes and incorporates sediment, and transforms into sediment flows. (B) 4. Depositional stage in which outgoing (backwash) sediment flows (i.e., debris flows and turbidity currents) deposit sediment in deep-water environments. Suspended mud created by tsunami-related events would be deposited via hemipelagic settling. After Shanmugam (2006a).

Figure 3. A. Highstand sedimentological model showing calm shelf waters and limited

extent of sediment transport in the shoreface zone (short green arrow) during fair-weather periods. Shoreface bottom-current velocities during fair weather are in the range of 10-20 cm s-1. The shelf edge at 200 m water depth separates shallow- water (shelf) from deep-water (slope) environments. (B) Highstand sedimentological model showing sediment transport on the open shelf, over the shelf edge, and in submarine canyons during periods of tropical cyclones (storm weather) into deep water (long red arrow). Mass-transport processes are commonly induced by intense cyclones (e.g., Hurricane Katrina, 2005). Modified after Shanmugam (2008a).


The obsolescence of sea-level lowstand model

In the petroleum industry, the sea-level lowstand model is the perceived norm for explaining the timing of deep-water sands (Figure 4A). 

Figure 4. A. Conventional sea-level model showing the popular belief that deep-water deposition of sand occurs only during periods of lowstand and deposition of mud occurs during periods of highstand. The present highstand is estimated to represent a period of 20,000 years. BP=before present. B. 200,000 cyclones are estimated to occur during the present highstand in the Indian Ocean (Bay of Bengal) and the Atlantic Ocean. C. 140,000 tsunamis are estimated to occur during the present highstand in the Pacific Ocean. The implication is that sands can be deposited during periods of sea-level highstands, thus making the conventional model obsolete.  After Shanmugam (2008a).


Saller et al. (2006), for example, attributed the timing of reservoir sands in the Kutei Basin in the Makassar Strait (Indonesian Seas) to a lowstand of sea-level. Nevertheless, the location of the Kutei Basin is frequently affected by earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tropical cyclones, monsoon floods, the Indonesian throughflow, and M2 baroclinic tides (Shanmugam, 2008b). These daily activities of the solar system (e.g., earthquakes, meteorite impacts, tsunamis, cyclonic waves, etc.) do not come to a halt during sea-level lowstands. In tectonically and oceanographically  tumultuous locations, such as the Indonesian Seas, the short-term events are the primary triggering mechanisms of deepwater sediment failures and they occur in a matter of hours or days during long periods of both highstands and lowstands (Shanmugam, 2008a).

              Deep-water Paleocene sand (100 m thick) of the Lower Tertiary Wilcox trend, which occurs above the K-T boundary in the BAHA #2 wildcat test well, has been interpreted as “lowstand” turbidite fan in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Meyer et al., 2007). However, because of the opportune location of the Lower Tertiary Wilcox trend and the stratigraphic position and age, the drilled Paleocene sand could alternatively be attributed to the Chicxulub impact and related seismic shocks and tsunamis (Figure 1). Tsunami-related deposition on continental margins has been discussed by Shanmugam (2006a) (Figure 2). Such alternative real-world possibilities are often overlooked because of the prevailing mindset of the sea-level lowstand model.

              Shanmugam (2008a) discussed the importance of tropical cyclones in understanding deep-water sand deposition during periods of sea-level highstands (Figure 4). The Hurricane Hugo (Hubbard, 1992), which passed over St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands on 17 September 1989, had generated winds in excess of 110 knots (204 km hr-1, Category 3 in the Saffir-Simpson Scale) and waves 6–7 m in height. In the Salt River submarine canyon (>100 m deep), offshore St. Croix, a current meter measured net down-canyon currents reaching velocities of 2 m s-1 and oscillatory flows up to 4 m s-1. Hurricane Hugo had caused erosion of 2 m of sand in the Salt River Canyon at a depth of about 30 m. A minimum of 2 million kg of sediment were flushed down the Salt River Canyon into deep water (Hubbard, 1992). The transport rate associated with Hurricane Hugo was 11 orders of magnitude greater than that measured during fair-weather period. In the Salt River Canyon, much of the soft reef cover (e.g., sponges) had been eroded away by the power of the hurricane. Debris composed of palm fronds, trash, and pieces of boats found in the canyon were the evidence for storm-generated debris flows. Storm-induced sediment flows have also been reported in a submarine canyon off Bangladesh (Kudrass et al., 1998), in the Capbreton Canyon, Bay of Biscay in SW France (Mulder et al., 2001), in the Cap de Creus Canyon in the Gulf of Lions (Palanques et al., 2006), and in the Eel Canyon, California (Puig et al., 2003), among others. In short, sediment transport in modern submarine canyons is accelerated by tropical cyclones and tsunamis in the world’s oceans during the present sea-level highstand (Shanmugam, 2008a). In fact, empirical data clearly show that tropical cyclones and tsunamis are the two most important phenomena in transporting sediment into the deep sea during the present sea-level highstand (Figure 4). Therefore, the sea-level lowstand model is obsolete for explaining the triggering of deep-water SMTDs worldwide (Shanmugam, 2007, 2008a, 2013c).




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